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If you want to be more engaged in local politics, you have come to the right place! If you haven’t yet seen our Take Action page, head over there for volunteer opportunities and other ways you can help directly. Check your legislative district at the Who We Are page to see if there are precincts needing a Captain or Vice Captain; there can be any number of Precinct Partners in a district. Be sure and come back and scroll down to find resources for keeping up on local politics as well as engaging with politics here in Ada County.

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Idaho Reports (PBS)


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Idaho Reports (PBS)

Legislative Bill Trackers

(Applicable while the legislature is in session.)

How To Testify

If you want to give your opinion to legislative committees, the county commissioners, or a city council, here are some basic guidelines.

  • Get on the agenda. For the Idaho legislature, sometimes the bills move fast so you need to stay on top of when a bill is open for comments. You may need to call the committee secretary to verify times.

  • Prepare your remarks ahead of time. You need to stay focused and make your points quickly, especially when there is a lot of testimony. If someone ahead of you has already made the same point you want, just let the body know you are also in that category.

Special for Idaho legislature

  • Here is specific information about how you can participate in Idaho’s open legislative process.

  • The print hearing is only for the first chamber. There is only the one chance to testify in the the other chamber.

  • There is a video testify option, but if there are any technology issues you are out of luck.

Legislative Agenda

Check here for the latest daily committee agendas during the session. You can use this information to know which committee is considering which bill. Note that agendas can change at the last minute, so keep checking in case something new shows up.

Emailing Legislative Committees

When emailing, put the bill number and your desired vote in the subject line. You can write an email message but if the member receives 1000s of emails they may only be looking at the subject to get an indication of preferences. This tool is intended for residents living in the state of Idaho.

Below is the list of committees and the email addresses of the committee members.

  • To determine which committee to email, you will need to know which committee is discussing a particular bill. Bills move fast, so stay on top of things. To find a committee go to the session’s Bill Center and find the bill and it should be associated with a committee. There is also the agenda links above. If you are not sure, contact via phone one of the numbers in the page footer. Be a detective!

  • To email a single committee member click on their individual email next to their name and it should take you to your email client. If not, you will need to copy and paste the email. This is beneficial if they represent your district.

  • To email all committee members at once, copy the emails in the Full Email List and paste into your email client’s To field. (For some email clients, such as Outlook, you may need to change the commas to semicolons, or change the setting that allows commas to separate email addresses.)

  • The Committee Email only goes to the committee secretary.

Note: these are the standing committees; for any special or interim committees, as well as for any more details, please visit the Idaho State Legislature committee page.

Updated for 2025 Session

Senate Committees

House Committees

Joint Committees

Write a Letter to the Editor

Your Voice Matters!

News outlets vary in regards to their accepted word count, so it's best to keep your letter short. If you keep your letter to 175 to 200 words you can submit your letter to multiple newspapers, which is recommended. News outlets either provide an email address where you can submit your letter (links below) or there’s a “fill in the box” format where you insert your text into a comment box. If you’re using the comment box, it's best to write it out first and then cut and paste your text into the requested format.

For most  papers, you can submit a letter every 30 days. Priority is given to in-state residents.  

You will need to provide your name/address, however the outlets do not publish your address. 


  • Be polite but firm. 

  • Use plain language. If you want people to understand your message  quickly and easily—use plain language. 

  • Be Concise. Decide what you want to say and say it with as few  words as possible. 

  • Check your facts by searching reputable websites, such as  FactCheck.org or the Bill of Rights from the National Archives.  

  • Have someone else read your letter to catch mistakes. When your  writing is clear, concise, and error free, your words hold more  credence with the reader.

Here are the links for Letter To the Editor submission pages for the two local papers. 

If you have the time and/or you’re super motivated to distribute to news outlets statewide, the League of Women Voters of Idaho has a page with links to the statewide outlets. 

Thank you! Remember, your voice matters!