How to Vote
Check & Update Your Voter Registration
The first step in voting is registering. Voters can register online, by mail, or at the polls. Check your voter registration status using the button.
Vote by Mail
Voters in Idaho may request an absentee ballot before October 25th, 2024. Request your ballot by submitting your name, residence address in Idaho, and the mailing address where you want your ballot mailed. You will receive an absentee ballot in the mail. Your ballot must be returned to the County Clerk by 8:00 P.M. on Election Day. Mail it early to ensure on-time delivery.
Vote Early in Person
Early voting gives Idaho voters the flexibility to vote on their schedule before election day. Early voting polls are hosted across Ada County and are available 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday between October 15, 2024 and November 1st, 2024. Ada County voters may vote at any early voting location regardless of your precinct of residence.
Find Your Polling Location
Election day is November 5th, 2024. Polls are open from 8:00am to 8:00pm. You are required to vote at the designated polling location for your precinct. Make sure you know where to find your polling location and make a plan to vote.
Voter Identification Requirements in Idaho
Identification is required to vote in Idaho. Approved photo identification and proof of residence must be shown to the poll worker to satisfy registration requirements.
Approved Photo Identification
These are the current approved methods of providing identification to vote in Idaho:
Current Idaho driver’s license or government issued identification card.
Note: Student ID cards are no long a valid form of identification for the purpose of voting.Current U.S. Passport or Federal photo identification card
Current Tribal Identification card
Current concealed weapons license issues by a County Sheriff in Idaho
Approved Proof of Residence Documents
These are the current approved methods of providing identification to vote in Idaho:
Current Idaho driver’s license or government issued identification card
Current U.S. Passport or Federal photo identification card
Current Tribal Identification card
Current concealed weapons license issues by a County Sheriff in Idaho
Current proof of insurance
Deed of trust, mortgage, lease or rental agreement
A property tax assessment, bill, or receipt
A utility bill, excluding a cellular telephone bill
A bank or credit card statement
A paystub, paycheck, or government-issued check
An intake document from a residential care or assisted living facility
Enrollment papers issued for the current school year by a high school, or an accredited institution of higher education located within the state of Idaho.
A communication on letterhead from a public or private social service agency registered with the secretary of state verifying the applicant is homeless and attesting to the applicant’s residence for registration purposes.